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The perinatal period (from conception to 24 months) can bring about a range of emotional changes. Many find this to be a positive experience.
However, some women and men undergo an emotional upheaval that can result in problems with their mental health and wellbeing. Having a new child is a life changing event.

When having a baby, it can be difficult to know what is normal and what is not. Most women experience ‘baby blue’ three to four days after giving birth, and may feel weepy, low, anxious and irritable.

These are thought to be linked to hormonal changes taking place in your body after giving birth and your milk ‘coming in’. These symptoms are normal and only tend to last a few days.

However, if they continue and you or your partner are experiencing any of the symptoms listed below, you should seek help as soon as possible by contacting the NHS Rotherham Talking Therapies service:

  • low mood, tearfulness
  • anxiety or panic attacks
  • worries about health and your baby
  • feeling worthless, low self-esteem
  • feeling guilty
  • lack of energy
  • poor sleep
  • changes in appetite
  • loss of interest in activities
  • feeling irritable and agitated
  • poor concentration
  • thoughts about suicide or harming yourself
  • distressing, unwanted thoughts that pop into the mind.

The NHS Rotherham Talking Therapies Team understands the changes that can occur during this transitional period and can offer talking therapies to support you in managing your wellbeing. The NHS Rotherham Talking Therapies service can work closely with other organisations or health care professionals such as the perinatal team, health visitors or early help to ensure you feel supported throughout the perinatal period.