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Myth busting

Here are some myths about the services that Talking Therapies provide. If there are any other queries or concerns that you may have about accessing our services please contact us.

We observe strict NHS standards of confidentiality. You have control over who else is involved in your care. The only time we will inform others without your permission is if we are concerned for your immediate safety, the safety of others or any safeguarding concerns.

Seeking support is not a weakness, it is a proactive measure. You will be seen by a trained therapist who will listen without judging you. Therapy is an accepting and safe space.

We treat symptoms ‘associative’ of mental health disorders, we do not provide a formal diagnosis.

We only offer psychological interventions – these are talking therapies, such as Cognitive Behavioural Therapy.

Rather than offering emotional therapy, we offer structured therapy for specific mental health issues, such as stress, depression and anxiety.

We offer therapies for mental health disorders, such as anxiety and depression. If loneliness is the main problem, we would advise an alternative service. This could be peer support, community groups etc.

Your first appointment with Talking Therapies will be an initial assessment with a psychological wellbeing practitioner. This helps to ensure that our service is the best route to support you.

We offer counselling for depression, which may be due to loss. However, we do not offer this until 6 months after the loss due to the natural grieving process.

We provide support and treatment for common mental health problems. If you’re struggling with alcohol and substance misuse, we would suggest getting in touch with your local drug and alcohol service.

We can offer support for symptoms of stress, anxiety and depression. We do not offer treatment specifically for anger management, gambling, or other addictions.

If you are in crisis and are of risk to yourself, such as intent to acting on suicidal thoughts, significant self-harm or are a risk to others, please contact the Crisis Team.

We provide support and treatment for common mental health problems. If you are experiencing a severe mental health disorder, please see a GP, who can refer you to the appropriate service.

We only offer support for mental health disorders. This does not mean we cannot work with patients with learning disabilities or learning difficulties who are wanting support for their mental health, unless these are severe.